Venture Forum Showcase Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM AGENDA National Press Club 529 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20045

AREA OPENS Presenting
companies will be available at exhibits. Exhibit area will be open to all attendees. Investor-Entrepreneur
Meeting time. This block of time is designed for presenters
to have meaningful conversations with attending investors and to encourage them to attend their afternoon presentations. It
is also a time where attending entrepreneurs will be able to network with participating investors.
10:15 AM
10:30 AM

& Managing Partner, The Venture Company "Money Does Not Equal Merit" Georges will
for the first time publicly unveil some of the root-cause-analysis of the spiraling downturn of our economy, describe how
that suppresses the reputation and capacity of innovation and offer guidance to investors and entrepreneurs to avoid the pitfalls
of submission to subprime. (for more information) Georges'
groundbreaking book on the invention of a new economic model we should have implemented 100 years ago combined with pragmatic
steps to drive renewable prosperity from continual change and innovation (scheduled for release 2013) can be pre-ordered online. Angel Venture Forum 2012 Showcase attendees receive a 50% discount couplon-code during Georges' headline presentation at
the event.
NETWORKING WITH ANGEL GROUPS Angel investor groups will be available at lunch tables for networking Companies are encouraged to use this time to meet with key investors prior to their
presentations in the afternoon
Introduction by Victor Hoskins, DC Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development GROUP
DISCUSSION Trends in Angel & Venture Investing-Perception vs. Reality The key to successful returns for both the investor
and the entrepreneur A recent TechCrunch Article says angel investors don't make money. However, a study by Robert
Wiltbank, PhD , a professor at Williamette University, and backed by Kauffman Foundation, says overall angel investor returns
are 2.5 times the investment. So which is it? What makes a good investor? What are anticipated returns for angels
versus venture capital and what factors are most important when making an investment decision? What deal terms are right for
angels versus venture capitalist? What traits in entrepreneurs and in deals increase/decrease the odds of success? What
is the most/least effective way for companies to find the right partner/investor? And, how do companies assess and select
investors to increase their own odds of success?
Moderator: Christian Bartley, Principal, Faleiro John Backus, Founder & Managing Partner, New Atlantic Ventures Edward Barrientos, CEO Brazen Careerist Valerie Gaydos, President, Capital Growth, Inc. Doug Humphrey, Serial Entrepreneur, Founder & CEO Paul Silber, Founding Member, Blu Venture Investors Tien Wong, CEO Lore Systems & Opus8

EXHIBIT AREA OPEN Presenting companies will be available at exhibits. Exhibit area will be open to all attendees.
Investor Only ROOM #2 Company Presentations 12 Pre-selected Companies to Present Presentation room access will be available only to
accredited investors, as defined by the SEC. All others may continue to network in the exhibit area.
Investor Only ROOM #1 Company Presentations 12 Pre-selected Companies to Present Presentation room access will be available only to
accredited investors, as defined by the SEC. All others may continue to network in the exhibit area.
4:30 PM